last season me and some friends were talkin about playin triple blood dk in arena,now with all these changes to blood what are your thoughts on that comp? if played good do you actually think any other comp could kill one of us? we would probably all have the party wide rune tap glyph +blood worms healing all of us,i mean even if we fought RMP and trained the mage all day long i dont think we could ever die? mage blinks deathgrip,mage gets distance deathgrip again,3 strangulates....
what could beat this comp and how would they beat the comp cause i dont see it losing at all if 3x good players were running it.
strangulate drs.
more than likely 2/3 of you will be cced for most of the match
you have to hope your in range of the bloodworms when they explode.
any team with a good healer and frost or unholy dks to necrotic you one by one... I know I wreck double blood teams triple wont be very good either unless you guys are exceptional... people will learn to remove blood shields and to kite and stun and disarm if a lot of people do try arenas with blood..
nah triple blood would have 0 burst even with the vengence buff to get a kill, no cc, and any decent dk as said above would be able to overstack your healing with necrotic easily, not to mention the actual dps output of another dps and cc
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