Saturday, April 14, 2012

Death Strike 4.3 and PVP

[:1]Well done Blizz you managed to kill any interest I have in playing my DK in PVP at least till you unbreak the change made to Death Strike.

My survivability now sucks alot....I used to in some cases as frost or unholy go toe to toe with other dps classes now that is much much harder given that Death Strike will no longer heal up to 20% of my health when I use it or there abouts if Glyphed with 4.2 Dark Succor.

The Glyph now requires me to kill someone before it will heal up to 20% health? are you serious???? so while other classes are kiting me and or self healing, if I manage to kill them somehow I then can heal up to 20% if I have some one close to attack? and then it only works once until I kill some one again????...what if im on 5% health at the end of killing some one, how do I recover quickly to prevent being insta killed?????? it was bad enough having to wait for runes to be able to use the ability in 4.2 at times surely that was penalty/balance enough????

Now the other change is Death Strike heals up to 20% min of 7% of damage sustained in last 5 now I'm going to get kited to bits once people understand how the dynamic works....also the other fail point is this is a time based damage absorber not and healing mechanic....this is total weak sauce....I really don't understand....most other melee classes have good self healing or the ability to heal by them selves, it now seems our most reliable form of healing as a DPS DK in BG's is bandage or food LOL!

Seriously Id like to know why you thought this was such a good idea?? it was not an unfair mechanic in 4.2 for PVP DK's.... The way I look at it now DK's will become more scarce as a result....
Point to note melee classes that can heal/self heal reasonibly currently

Warriors, Rogues, Druids, Shamans.....
you do have death coil. IMO glyph into that if u have problems self healing. pop lichborne on full runice power u can get 4 DC into yourself! not so gimped are we
Deleted by Darkrachet
just fyi this was nerfed in 4.2 not 4.3.

it's been a mini victory rush effect for a whole major patch now and you're just now complaining?
Deleted by Shippolo
spec blood.....problem solved
Deleted by Hamadan
Learn to play. Stop relying on spamming Death Strike to win.

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