Saturday, April 14, 2012

Gargoyle bandaid fix incomplete

[:1]Previously Unholy Deathknights had to perform a maneuver dubbed Gargoyle Twsting. This is when you quickly face away from the boss in order to summon your gargoyle outside of the boss's melee range, thus preventing the gargoyle from being tempted to melee the boss and lose dps.

The current fix simply forces the gargoyle to move OUT of melee range if you summon him in the boss's melee range in order to resume gargoyle strikes. Now, if you summmon your gargoyle while facing the boss he will waste time moving out and possibly lose a few casts. I noticed this on Ultraxion (who already has some SERIOUS problems with unholy deathknights' death and decay) where my gargoyle only casted 14 gargoyle strikes per use, fully raid buffed. I can go to a dummy in SW and summon him away from the dummy and he will get 16 on average. If I summon the gargoyle while facing the dummy he moves out of melee range and only gets an average of 15 casts off.

What should have been done is to simply allow the gargoyle to cast while in melee range.

I'd like the rest of the DK community to investigate this further and QQ here as needed, thanks.

i've said many, many times before - dancing rune weapon is way better compared to gargoyle

but nooo, they just hafta kill blood dps and making it tank only
i've said many, many times before - dancing rune weapon is way better compared to gargoyle

but nooo, they just hafta kill blood dps and making it tank only

That doesn't have anything to do with this thread, let alone why Blood was the best choice for a tank spec.

OP: just do a 45 degree turn, it's not like it's hard.
This makes me mad and happy at the same time. When I first saw my gargoyle come down on Ultraxion, then take it's time to fly back up, I realized something was wrong.

Simple fact of the matter is, this raises the skill cap for Unholy back up to slightly closer to where it was in T11. I don't think that's a bad thing.
This makes me mad and happy at the same time. When I first saw my gargoyle come down on Ultraxion, then take it's time to fly back up, I realized something was wrong.

Simple fact of the matter is, this raises the skill cap for Unholy back up to slightly closer to where it was in T11. I don't think that's a bad thing.

In what way, shape or form does it raise Unholy's skill cap? Turning slightly when casting Gargoyle doesn't require any skill at all. You just need to be aware that the Gargoyle is still buggy even after the 4.3 fix, which most players will find out from reading the forums or EJ, not from any innate player skill.

It's a little disheartening that the Gargoyle still has issues even after Blizzard made a pass at fixing it, although it's still a huge improvement over the thing trying to melee haha.
they should have just made the melee and ranged damage even and that would have solved the problem...

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