Thursday, April 12, 2012

The biggest problem with Blood in PvP...

[:1] the fact that I'm not entirely sure which I should be prioritizing: haste, mastery, or crit. I'd also like to know for frost, if any of you know. So, help me out here?

And you thought this was another QQ thread. ^^
Blood is pretty straight forward depending on how you want to play it...

I reforge everything to mastery no matter what stat it is... you be able to obtain around 98%-105% depending on your gear.

I gem pure Strength gems in every slot unless the socket bonus gives 20 strength. the you can use a combo gem.

Gearing/reforging like this will allow of great survivability and allow you to hit like a TRUCK. I get around 40-60k Deathstrikes...

You Can take a look at my build and gear if you like... Only class that can kill me in a duel is a good mage... melee is a joke... and if you can get your cooldowns going correctly you can usually avoid being kitted and keep yourself healed.

i reforge everything to haste except a mastery or two. I'm lookin for damage output, not survivability. haste double dips thanks to improved blood presence. I run around 62-68% blood shield heal, 11% haste.

Thanks guys. So am I right in this conclusion?

For survivability: mastery > haste > crit
For damage output while still keeping survivability in mind: haste > mastery > crit

Ideally, I'd like a gemming/reforging setup that works well with both blood and frost, since I tend to swap between the two depending on my mood, battleground enemy types, or in the case of getting strand of fail, always frost.
if you want a gemming outfit for both then go with the frost model of str/mastery
Thanks guys. So am I right in this conclusion?

For survivability: mastery > haste > crit
For damage output while still keeping survivability in mind: haste > mastery > crit

i dont think anyone really knows as yet how to max damage. i've tried crit and haste and haste seems to come out on top for me. it helps both damage and surviv since all your abilities, defense and offensive that use runes, pop quicker.

frost dual spec is 100% str mastery. always gem/enchant for str for any spec imo.

EDIT: alt, unholy and blood would be haste imo
All right, thanks guys. Mastery it is! Typically when I use the blood spec, I do so for survivability over damage anyway, so I guess leaning on mastery will work out pretty well.
you guys know the nerf hammer is coming on blood right?

a tank spec with 60 crits. lol
i doubt it lol... i hit for over 100k deathstrikes in 5man heroics. bwaha. believe it or not its balanced. its just we have 2h'ers so it seems like we hit alot harder then other tanks.. when truly its the same as a prot paladin, or prot warrior with veng stacks.
as for Andriels's question.. you can rotate your blood runes and Empower rune weapon to get more deathstrikes in, the more mastery you have the more of a physical sheild you can stack up.

stacking strength is very bursty dmg.
you guys know the nerf hammer is coming on blood right?

a tank spec with 60 crits. lol

You know Rogues are getting nerfed, right?
More CCs than most tanks and the damage output of a pure DPS class. lol.
you guys know the nerf hammer is coming on blood right?

a tank spec with 60 crits. lol

I enjoyed battlegrounding as blood before it was cool. Chances are I'll still enjoy it after this supposed nerf. In the mean time, I will enjoy killing rogues with no effort involved, and I will dedicate those kills to all of the warlocks those rogues killed in an equally one-sided fight.

I prefer haste for faster rune regen which leads to move survivability and damage combined. (Haste > Mastery > Crit)
I'm lame and lazy. When I run random BGs I just go blood/blood with my unholy PvE gear. Most people don't even try to kill the guy/gal with the orbiting bones.

So, basically, it's some mix of haste/crit/mastery and not much worry about stamina.

It might be worthwhile using actual tank gearing in PvP if you are flag-running while surrounded by competent healers, but otherwise I don't think it matters.
Deleted by Tkdpunkk

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