Saturday, March 31, 2012

Anyone know if clcdk addon works?

[:1]I've been trying to get the frost rotation down, and still having problems managing my runes, so I thought the clcdk addon would be good for training purposes, because it supposedly gives you tips on what attack you should use. That way I can see what I think I should do, and compare it to what the addon says, kind of like an answer sheet.

does anyone know if this addon is correct in its tisp for what power to use? seems like it tells me to spam howling blast a lot, and on KM procs, often tells me to use FS instead of Oblit. I know your runes help determine which you should use, but I thought oblit was typically preferable on KM procs.

My DK is only 83, with green quest drops, no gems, no enchants, almost no reforging, and I'm only averaging around 4.5k dps against pve mobs in quests. This seems very low, since at lvl 80 my pre-cata ret pally was getting around 7k in 5-mans, and my cata green drops are more powerful than my heroic gear from wotlk.

Anyone know if clcdk is reliable, or is it teaching me bad habits?
As far as Frost goes, CLC DK is assuming you're using the "Masterfrost" build. So, your main attacks are Frost Strike and Howling Blast (as opposed to a traditional Frost build, where your main attack is Obliterate). Your stat priorities are: Mastery>Crit>Haste.

Apparently, the creator of CLC DK is really a proponent of Masterfrost. It's still sort of debatable whether Masterfrost is the top DW Frost spec. However, the creator of CLC DK clearly feels it is. So...he updated the addon for it, which means if you're not using the Masterfrost build, your dps will suffer with this addon.
Thanks for the reply. Since I'm 2H and not DW, and don't have a masterfrost build, I guess I should go for a different addon. Or maybe I should just try going DW and masterfrost, if its debatable whether or not its the top DW frost build, then it obviously can't be too bad. Maybe DKs just aren't for me, hate staring at runes the whole fight.

Heres one more question, the guides say to use obliterate when all 4 frost and unholy runes are available, or when both death runes are available.

it also says to use frost strike if runic power is full, and when 2 runes of same type are on cooldown.

So on KM procs, if RP is full and not all runes are available, should I choose Frost Strike over Oblit?
CLCDK will only give you the Masterfrost priority system if you've specifically selected it in the options. Make sure "Use Alternative Rotation" is unchecked.

You should absolutely FS over Obliterate on a KM proc when you have full runic, unless you've got all or nearly all your runes up at the same time. Frost Strike is really good, wasting runic sucks, and landing Obliterate on all your KMs is not really a big deal.
Masterfrost builds are quite easily the best for aoe-type fights, like Yor'sahj.
For those who doubt single target viability:
Log from ultraxion 10H (currently top DK DPS parse on WoL) doing 37k:
Video of the kill to see it in action:
Both the boomkin and warlock have orange staves.
Ive been using CLC DK for a while and i can tell you, it is not showing me masterfrost..

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