Thursday, April 19, 2012

Another rate me thread...

Hey all. I just started getting serious about gearing my DK with the new 5 mans and I'll soon be using the new LFR system, I was just looking for some pointers on my gear, and what the best gems for me would be (I just grabbed whatever looked useful from the AH gem-wise). I'll prolly get ripped apart by the people I'll just duck and cover over here.

Have at! :)

Edit: vague post lulz
Run your character through to achieve your hit and expertise caps correctly. That will tell you your correct gemming, enchanting, and reforging. Because that is the only thing that is really wrong with you right now. You're over the hit cap, but under expertise.
Yep, you gotta remember in DW you get an auto 3% to hit. So basicallly you want 8% hit, 26/26 expertise. You also should never have to gem for hit/expertise.

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