Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Should i try Masterfrost?

So i heared that No'Kaled can be an alternative weapon for a frost dk because of the frost damage and our mastery. I managed to pick 2 up in Raid finder and was wondering if it would be an upgrade to use Masterfrost and No'Kaled vs A bunch of haste and my 2 cleavers. I tested No'Kaled on a test dummy using just my regular spec and reforges which put me under hit cap because of the lost hit and found that i could pull around 1-2k more dps. I'm just wondering if that number would increase if i were to use Masterfrost.

Edit: And the armory seems to have no updated yet so im stuck showing my old gear..
2nd edit: It has updated.
Use simulationcraft and sim it out. The priority lists for each can be found in

I use the 403 No'Kaled with a haste/obliterate build because it happened to be an upgrade even without stacking mastery.

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