Monday, April 16, 2012

Rune addon

Trying out unholy for a bit and getting majorly confused on what to hit without tunnel visioning. The spec goes by so fast that I find myself staring at my runes in the upper left and I feel lost when I am not. Anyone know of an addon that has big shiny runes I can put in the center? And no I dont want CLC cuz i feel thats cheating lol.

PS. Dont armory me, Im too cheap to spend 500g on inferno rubies for an alt spec lol.
Doc's Debug Runes is pretty good.

You can disable the suggestion feature of CLC DK, if I remember correctly.
I use Yury's RuneDisplay. It takes the basic Blizzard rune bar and lets you customize it how you want (size, arc, countdown numbers, etc.)
DKM (Death knight monitor) its on curse. check it.

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